fahadkhan1990 Hey, I am Fahad and I have done M.Phil in Computer Science. I am a tech geek and creative writer.

Tutorial #6 - How to use BSafes Notebook

Tutorial #6 - How to use BSafes Notebook

Welcome to the video tutorial series of BSafes. This video tutorial demonstrate you how to use BSafes Notebook.

Image by Engin_Akyurt from Pixabay

BSafes notebook consists of multiple pages that are ordered by page numbers just like a notebook.

To create a notebook, first click on the blue plus button right under the activities.

The following menu will appear. Click on Notebook from this menu.

Write the title of the notebook.

Click Create button.

You will be redirected to the first page of the notebook.

You can add tags that will make easy to search the notebook pages later on.

Once you are done with adding tags, then click the tick button to save them.

If you want to set the title of this page of notebook then click on the small black pen icon.

Write the title of the page.

Click the tick button to save it.

To create documents on this page of notebook, click the second small black pen icon or you can click the blue pen icon as well.

The text editor will open.

Once you are done with your work on text editor, click the tick button.

You can see that your text document is also saved on this page of notebook.

Similarly, you can add image, attachment or comments in your page.

To go on cover page of the notebook, click on this small book icon.

Here you can see that the cover page of notebook has appeared.

If you want to edit the title of notebook, click on this small black pen icon.

Similarly, you can also add tags for your notebook to make it easy for you to search later on. (please remember that previously we added tags on the pages of notebook)

Once you are done with adding tags, then click the tick button to save them.

To open the notebook, click on the open option.

The notebook is opened from the table of contents page.

As we have created only one page, that is why it is showing one page here.

To go back to the cover, click on this left side angle bracket button.

To move forward to the next page, click on this right side angle bracket button.

You can see that we are on the first page of notebook again.

Now look at the other options available in this black bar.

Click on this icon from any page of your notebook to go directly on table contents page.

Here you can see the page number is shown. Currently it is the first page so 1 is written here.

Let me add two more pages quickly to see how it works.

Click on this arrow button, it will take us to the next page of the notebook.

It is used to navigate across the notebook as well as to create new pages.

You would see an empty page with page#2.

I will just write the title and move to create the next page.

Now, I have created three pages in the notebook.

Let’s go to the table of content page to see how it looks like now.

Here you can see, all the three notebook pages are added to the table of content.

To go to the specific page title or number, just click on anyone of them and you will be redirected there.

Click on this icon to go the first page directly.

Click on this icon to go to the last page directly.

You can also type the page number directly here and press this arrow button to go to that page directly.

You can check the versions of each page by looking at this information. The number written with V tells the version number of the document.

To check the details of current and previous versions, click on the Clock icon.

Here you can see, details of page versions like when it is created and when the tags were added to it.

Now let’s quickly see if we can search notebook and its pages using their tags.

Go to the team or personal workspace. I will go to the personal workspace.

Type first page of first notebook.

This is the tag that we set for the first page of our notebook.

Click the search icon.

Here you can see a number of search results but the first result is showing the first page of the notebook. Just click on it and you will reach to this page directly.

Hopefully this video would help you to use BSafes notebook efficiently. If you want to explore more about BSafes then watch out our complete video tutorial series.

Thank you.